WETS Documentation


WETS 2021
WETS 2021


We demonstrated a technology twenty years ago that has enormous enablers emerging now. As research and management tool expert systems possess great potential. Therefore, we have great expectations on the possibilities of what we undertake here. In 2021 we seek to bring WETS back to life again. The 2021 button will come to life soon with what we accomplish towards connecting the WETS concept with the IoT. With an extension of this demonstrated practical technology we can work on a number of practical problems related to the marine environment. Recall an expert system is a class of computer program that can advise, analyze, categorize, communicate, consult, design, diagnose, explain, explore, forecast, form concepts, identify, interpret, justify, learn, manage, monitor, plan, present, retrieve, schedule, test or tutor. Expert systems address problems normally thought to require human specialist for their solution. Expert systems programs fall under the general classification of Artificial Intelligence or (AI) programs. To be intelligent requires knowledge and reasoning skills the best way to impart a programble skill set is to extract that knowledge from experience professionals. We can help do that. Intelligent behavior implies the linking of knowledge and behavior and being able to deduce facts that are not explicit in the knowledge and produce sensible reactions to these facts.